
Happy Holidays

I would like to take a second to wish everyone happy holidays. For me this time of year is a chance to see relatives I see infrequently and since being in college it also allows me to spend a few days with my whole (my brother, sister, and I just finished wrestling and tickling each other in true pre-teen fashion). I never understood the common portrayal of Christmas family gatherings, or my favorite holiday Thanksgiving, as these disastrous implosions that cause everyone to dread their arrival. If the the Bluths three short seasons on Fox has any long lasting effect on our lives besides showcasing the talents of Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Michael Cera, it should be the corny line that was repeated till the shows end, "Family first." Seriously, suck it up for half a day, leave your ego at the door and just enjoy the company of family. This is why I've always loved Thanksgiving so much, it simplifies a holiday to exactly what it should be, a good meal with those you love. No, I don't want to spend everyday with my entire family, or even one day every week, but for those few hours its perfect. These are are people I've know my entire life, they know me for me (to some degree) and I can be relaxed and perfectly at ease with myself.

I hope many of you feel as I do and are looking forward to being around family and those that are special to you this holiday season. Myself, friends, and family wish everyone a safe, relaxing, and fun holiday season and an exciting new year.

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